Terms & Conditions for – freshliving.in

If you are visiting this page, then we would request you to please read and understand the Terms & Conditions of freshliving.in mentioned below. For further clarification and detailed queries, we would suggest you to visit our contact us section and send your query through the contact form. We will respond to your queries as soon as possible.

By accessing the content of freshliving.in ( hereafter referred to as website ) you agree to abide by the terms & conditions mentioned here and also accept our Privacy Policy mentioned in the website. In case you do not agree to any of the terms and conditions and you have any concern on our privacy policy, then you should not continue to use the Website now & in future. Also in this case we recommend you to leave our website immediately. 

By visiting any page of our site, you are automatically agreed upon that you will abide by the applicable laws and regulations. You will abide by the regional laws of your state / country for usage of this website.  You will not use the website for any illegal purposes.

You agree not to use the website in ways which cause permanent or temporary damage to this website. You are agreed not to impair the performance of this website. You are agreed not to manipulate or corrupt the content or information available on the website.

You are agreed that you will not do the following or help / encourage any entity to do the following –

A) To compromise the security of the website.

B) Attempt to gain unlawful access of the freshliving.in (website).

C) Attempt to gain unlawful access to secured areas, hosting server and information which is considered as sensitive in nature.

Any breach of the above mentioned items, will make you fully liable & responsible for any claim, losses, costs, expenses arising from making the site up & running including any legal costs borne by us due to such illegal activity. By visiting our website you are fully responsible to strictly abide by this rule.

The content ( Write ups, Logo, Design and in some cases images & videos – unless otherwise stated ) of this website is completely under the rules of copyright. Any distribution or reproduction without prior written authorization is punishable in the eye of the law. Also sometime in our website we used images & videos which are CC ( Creative Commons Licenses ). So, they are the reproduction of 3rd party entities. Please be careful when reusing them without understanding proper license agreement & terms.


Sometimes the visitors of this website may find some of the information presented here to be outdated. We take maximum care & attempt to make the information relevant and latest as much as possible. But still in some situation the information may not be fully updated or thoroughly correct. We would request our readers to check other references before forming any opinion by solely reading from our website.

We ( freshliving.in ) have full right to make any amendments as and when necessary to correct the website at any time without any notice.

Change to the Terms and Conditions of Use

freshliving.in reserve the full right to change or modify the above mentioned Terms and Conditions of use as found deemed.